Crazy Dave’s Weekend Adventure

Posted by on September 19, 2011

A small window of opportunity opened for us this weekend and with a fresh burst of post-exam energy, we jumped through it … right into a waterfall.


As of Friday afternoon, David’s mad marathon of studying and tests was over (for now). So we loaded up a few jungle “jeeps” and headed into the Grenada wilderness, to Annandale Falls.

“After leaving St. George’s, follow a narrow mountain road with a steep ledge for between 5 and 10 minutes,” our trusty guidebook said.

It was right. But the treasure at the end of the drive was worth the risky ride.

We spent the day splashing around and perfecting the art of the waterfall cannonball. It was hard to say who was having more fun, the SGU kids or the local 12-year-old boys laughing at us.

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The spot is a little touristy and perfect for those who want a beautiful jungle experience without the bugs, flesh-tearing vines and creepy crawlies. The waterfall is just one short, paved walk from the parking lot. A little jungle path circles around it with saffron, mango and other spices lining your path.

The main attraction though, is the waterfall.

A few crazy Grenadians make their living jumping from the cliffs over the falls and getting shocked tourists to pay to see the death-defying feat.

Of course, Dave had to try it.

He had the jumping Grenada guys take him over the river and up the hill to their jumping rock, about four stories over the falls.

After having the guide explain to him for a good 5 minutes that his target was about the size of a small trampoline (the pool is only deep enough in the middle), the guide took the plunge.

Then it was Dave’s turn. He waved, he jumped, we screamed and he lived – emerging from the water grinning like a crazy fool.

Yep. That’s Dave!

After that, the sweet and somewhat nervous “almost-3-year-old” boy who came with us was a little more excited about jumping into the water. He said he wanted to jump in and his excited dad pointed to the safe little concrete platform we had all been leaping from. The little boy pointed too … his little finger aimed at the perilous cliffside perch David had just scaled. We all got a good laugh and I wondered what daredevils our kids will someday be with dear old Dave as a role model.

But the fun train didn’t stop at Annandale!

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Just a few miles away was Grand Etang National Wildlife preserve with Crater Lake plopped right in the middle of it.


Dave and I snatched a little barefooted jungle kid and trekked off into the forest path, exploring and looking for the rumored lookout. In our defense, the little jungle kid was the son of a friend who came with us and his love of mushrooms, flowers and dirt made the muddy hike a lot more fun. Maybe Dave will make a great role model after all …

It was a great day out with great friends and would have been the student’s perfect weekend if not for the BYU football game that evening. But we won’t talk about that one …

Now it’s back to the books!

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