A Cultural Tsunami

Posted by on November 14, 2011

This weekend I ate Grenadian Lambie, clapped along with an Indian cultural dance performance and rode in an Iranian friend’s car seat.

It was a cultural tsunami.

Unfortunately I forgot my camera for all of these events. So it’s time to paint you a picture with my words … and borrow other friend’s photos from their Facebooks.

Thanks pals.

Friday was the little Indian talent show called Sitaron Ki Raat.

It wasn’t so little. My mild expectations for a laid back night were blasted when the hundreds-strong crowd pressed into the lecture hall for a night of all things Punjabi. Apparently there is a large Indian contingent represented at SGU. Speakers blasted the staccatos of the sitar with a heavy drum line while bhangra dancers, comedians and song-smiths had entirely too much fun on stage.

Here is a video I was able to track down on YouTube of this year’s performance – my personal favorite from the lengthy show.


In the mix, they tossed a performance by the orphan children of Bel Aire Home along with a hip hop routine from the school’s dance club. The Bel Aire children sang Katy Perry’s “Fireworks” while members of the audience waved sparklers in the air. I will never be able to listen to the song again without getting a small lump in my throat. Those children are so inspiring.

On the way home our wonderful Iranian neighbor Sayeh offered to give us all rides home. To make everyone fit, I offered to ride in the car seat. I don’t know that this counts as a cultural event, but we all had a good laugh and it was a great ending to an impressive night.


Festival Time!

The next day was the St. Georges Branch Ward Festival. A woman in the ward runs a Lambie and Lobster farming business and shared some of her catch with us.
In case you are wondering, Lambie is not related in any way to those fuzzy little white things that go Bahhh. In fact, it is that muscle that formerly occupied the Conch Shell that now decorates your bathroom. If you want to know more, you can click here. 
Sis. Tessa is an amazing cook. The shredded lobster cocktail was amazing! And for being a muscle (which I usually gag on) I ended up liking the lambie.
It was a great weekend filled with a few fun firsts and memories.

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