Shotgun Blogging

Posted by on January 25, 2012

Here it is. I’m just going to toss the events of the past few weeks your way and hope something sticks. Call it the shotgun approach to blogging.


1. The days of self-induced cephalgia and peri-orbital puffiness are back. David has started his last term of academic learning. It is the beginning of the end of our time in Grenada and those shadowy ghosts of the coming clinical years are starting to materialize. While the final term of book-learning is no cake walk, it is worlds better than last term. At least so far. I shudder when I think of the long nights and early mornings that dominated the Fall of 2011. I am sure those days have left their scars on the Huz as well. But now have time to run in the morning together and getting a solid 7 hours of sleep isn’t uncommon, thank the Med School Gods! David is doing a morning rotation in the Grenadian hospitals once a week now and learning the fun and funky side of third-world medical facilities. More on that later.

2. These days I go by a lot of names. The kids at the Limes After School Program call me Miss Sarah. The administration at SGU has called me Ms. Cooper-Glenn and my primary kids call me Sister Glenn.  Some people call me that crazy red-head and others just say “hey you!” I am all of the above these days and all these roles keep me busy busy busy! As Significant Others President I work alongside an incredibly dedicated board to keep more than 170 wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, domestic partners and kids busy, active and intellectually engaged. Or at least I try. Sheesh, just writing that made me tired. More on that later too.

3. Primary. It is the most effective birth control known to man. Last Sunday I spent two hours getting a gaggle of small children to sing songs they don’t know. Then I gingerly handed off the lesson I was supposed to teach to a fantastic friend so that I could zip off to take a CPR Certification Class. I think I owe that fantastic friend cookies. Oh, lets add that to the Google Calendar (my backup brain these days).

4. If you tell anyone about this, I might have to shoot you … with more than word shrapnel. But I am *gasp* working. Kind of. An apartment complex on the island wanted to find someone who knew how to tinker with iMovie. The final deliverable is a few promotional apartment videos for them. It’s a one-and-done job, but editing video from 21 apartments takes a while.  They had me at “editing”. Oh how I am loving this little project. Is it nerdy to like molding something awkward (home movies) into something interesting? Well then call me a nerd! In addition to this little project, I am pumping up my freelance resume with a few ghost-blogging and press release writing jobs. Don’t worry fellow poor people. We are still among you. None of this makes a dent in our cost of living. Groceries still cost a right arm, a piece of your soul and half of your first-born child.

5. While David pumps up his doctoring skills I am trying to keep pace by continuing to chase my American Council on Exercise personal trainer certification. Getting my nose out of the book, I am working on applying those trainer skills to myself at the school’s gym. Bring on the pump!

Phew. That was a crazy one. Careful, don’t step on the word shrapnel.

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