They Made us an Offer we Couldn’t Refuse

Posted by on January 12, 2012

It was almost midnight in a crowded, noisy, uncomfortable New York airport. As we sat bleary-eyed from a day of travelling, Michael from Delta came on the loudspeaker and made us an offer we couldn’t refuse.

Now I must admit this was not the first time we had been asked to give up our seats on this over-booked red-eye to Grenada. When we printed our boarding passes earlier that evening at one of those funky little kiosks, Mr. Airline asked if we would be willing. Burnt out (and just wanting get get there already for goodness sake!) my finger quickly put the kabash on that touch screen option.

The Huz was not happy with me.

But it turns out that dragging your feet is a great negotiation tool. At almost midnight, Delta was so desperate that they sweetened the deal. So in exchange for our seats on a 12:45 a.m. flight, we got $600 each in airline cash, $60 in meal vouchers and a cab to our two-night hotel stay in NYC.

They had me at “soft bed”.

Because the next available flight wasn’t until Sunday morning (early), we got to spend Saturday bouncing around the Big Apple.

Here are all the things we saw!

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Sadly, there were still three women flying standby who waited until 1 a.m. to hear that their attempt to see family in Grenada had been thwarted by a full flight. They had been waiting two years. It broke my heart.

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