Grenadian Independence Day

Posted by on February 9, 2012

Thirty-eight years ago, a little island in the Caribbean cut lose from its motherland and set out on its own. The following years brought a few growing pains, including a little pre-pubescent hormone flare in 1983.

But on Tuesday, the now-mature country celebrated its birthday with dancing, guns, parachuters, fireworks and a message of unity.

How does Grenada party for its Independence Day? Oh, just like you would expect … with a few twists.


The crazy costumed dancers were leaving the stadium just as we arrived. Might as well join the party, right? Although I don’t think this lilly white girl blended in too well with the decked out dancers dragging chains and bemoaning the nations ties to slavery. But “When in Rome,” right?

What came next was an afternoon of boredom punctuated by awkward mishaps. The military and its band marched into the stadium in full regalia. Then they stood there. For an hour. In the afternoon sun. And fainted.

Yes my friends, while standing at attention, waiting an hour for the arrival of the Prime Minster more than 10 fully uniformed bodies hit the floor.


I wondered what kind of country plays this awkward game of “last man standing” with their military.

We even got tired sitting in the shade, so we went out for a bite to eat. Vendors had set up their barbecues and served up some Grenadian fare. Being the unadventurous foodie I am, I ordered the chicken and french fries.

Washed down with a little coconut milk. 🙂

While eating, we saw a few paratroopers drop from the sky. Apparently one got caught in the wind and landed right in the bleachers!

Enjoy a few video clips of our afternoon out.

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