A Day in LA

Posted by on September 20, 2012

Living in Southern California has opened up to us a whole new world of family and friends. I was so excited to see my aunt and uncle again after almost five years.

They were still just as wonderful as ever and nice enough to give us the grand tour of their “Mayberry-esque” dream land, tucked away in the suburbs of LA. We strolled down the boardwalk at Manhattan Beach and watched several huge fish cruise through the clear water. My uncle told us stories of dolphins coming up alongside surfers in the early morning. A little aquarium at the end of the boardwalk housed a few pettable starfish and other not-so-cute sea creatures. The views from Rancho Palos Verdes were amazing and reminded me how thankful I am to be able to soak up so much of the outdoors.

It also makes my heart happy to be able to put family first as David and I continue on this crazy ride toward doctor-dom.

We love you Baker clan! Thanks for a great day!

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