When life gives you lemons

Posted by on December 15, 2012

To say this has been a crazy week would be a slight understatement.

It’s been full of experiences, but let me share one of my favorites.

It starts on a dark and stormy morning as the clock strikes 4:45 a.m.

David was on his way into the hospital, and just 500 yards before reaching his freeway exit, the car sputters, the lights flicker and then …


Yes, little Red just couldn’t do it anymore. Not even a blinking hazard light. Just then, in swoops SuperSarah in her pajamas of awesomeness.

Although David was slightly late for work, I did manage to get the car towed off the freeway shoulder an onto a nice little side street.

Thank you CHP!

I jumped the battery and it got just enough juice in it to go … down the street. Sigh. So yet again, I jumped the car (for longer this time) and with prayer and baited breath I made my way to the nearest mechanic Google could find for me. I could almost see the shop when I heard the chug chug chug of a train. The bells went off and the gate went down and there I was, waiting for the endless train of death to pass so I could go just less than a block more.

I swear little Red ran on pure prayers at that point, because we made it.

An obscene amount of money later, we were the proud new owners of a shiny new alternator.

But getting to and from the mechanic’s shop was a little difficult. I knew it would be difficult for Dave to escape the hospital during sane work hours to help pick up the car. He had somewhat important things to do, like helping the sick or something crazy like that.

Luckily, Tony, the owner of the shop gave me a ride back to my own car (who I will henceforth call Maisey) after I got little Red over there.

Then, once again, Tony came and picked me up when the car was all better. In addition to the rides, he told me all about life growing up in Lebanon and picked a whole bag full of lemons from the tree outside his shop for me to take home.

And that my friends is the story of how life this week literally gave us lemons.

Anyone have a good lemonade recipe?


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