Take me out to the ball game

Posted by on April 12, 2013

The stars aligned for my husband, the Oakland A’s fan, this week.

First, his beloved team was set to play against the Angels just an hour away from where we live. Then, through a little maneuvering, Dave was able to combine a Amazon Local deal with a discount tickets site to get us free tickets to Wednesday night’s game. He then sweetly asked if I would be his baseball date that night.

Although it’s not my favorite sport, how could I say no?  Date with an awesome girl? Check.

Next, was the battle with traffic. Somehow on the day of the game he managed to finish with all his work at the hospital earlier than usual. I highly doubt that the women of San Bernardino all conspired to avoid the OB/GYN department at Arrowhead all at the same time, so I’d call that early leave a stroke of good luck.  The drive was a breeze.

The seats were pretty darn good and gave this girl a good view for her first professional baseball experience. If we would have been exactly one section over, we would have been on the receiving end of a home run ball hit into the crowd by the A’s!

Unfortunately for some drunk crazies in the crowd the stars did not align for the Angels and, after several errors, the A’s essentially kicked their butts.  The win was only half the fun for me as I enjoyed the profanities of angry fans and the hilarious banter of the other A’s fans in front of us.

It was a beautiful night at the ballpark and I had an amazing time. Thanks for the fun date huz!

For anyone moving down here who wants to join in the fun, the tickets are normally pretty friendly to a family living on student loans – between $5 for the cheap seats and $20 for a fairly beautiful view. Parking is $10. I would totally suggest it!

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