The Quietest Mothers Day Of Them All

Posted by on May 15, 2013

I didn’t hear the pitter patter of little feet this mothers day – although I sure felt them bouncing on my bladder!

It was a sweet experience to take a day and reflect on what it means to be a mother, while the screaming baby beast is still contained in-utero. David has been my greatest support through this crazy roller coaster of hormones, weight gain and sickness. Sunday he helped again by making me breakfast, padding my ego all day and giving me a wonderful massage gift certificate.

But the best gift of all was when he gave me a hug and told me he loved me.

We are on one crazy road and those special days on the calendar might have big targets on them. Our anniversary was one that got shot right in the kisser this year by a crazy day at the hospital. But mothers day made me feel like as long as we have those “I Love Yous”, in the end, we are going to be OK.

Happy mothers day!

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