How we started a nursery

Posted by on June 8, 2013

With nothing else to do, I have succumb to the urge to nest.

It’s OK if you laugh hysterically. I am finding it pretty funny myself that the universe decided to take the least domestic person it could find, give her a negative net worth, get her pregnant and give her urges to decorate.

What follows is a gratuitous collection of completely impractical things I have done to make baby’s half of the room a little more fun.

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I may or may not be nursing my child in a pillow-padded office chair. Hey dual use, and it matches!

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CraigsList dresser/changing table in awesome shape for $50. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the fantastic thing that happens when you become a CraigsList troll.

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Monkey wall decals courtesy of the kind-hearted Stephanie Scurlock. She offered a spare gift certificate at the exact moment my mental sanity needed a pick-me-up. Not only is it exactly what I wanted, but seeing it on the wall also reminds me of a friend’s caring. The floating shelves are $5 blank wood name plates from the Michael’s toll painting section attached with a $3 pack of L brackets. Bevelled edges and everything looks pretty snazy. Sneaky sneaky.

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The mobile was the biggest pain in my posterior possible. The afternoon it took to make deserves a whole post to itself. But just to spite it, I’m not going to give it one. Neener neener inanimate object! The frame of fake jungle ferns suspended by hemp supports several strands of tissue paper flowers and paper leaves. I essentially wanted something to both liven up the room and distract my cranky child in the event of an unplanned awakening. Hopefully he will be ADD just like his … ohh, llama. 😉

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Oh, the bassinet. My favorite part of our home hands down. Once upon a time, my husband slept inside it’s hand-crafted frame. His milkaholic ways quickly grew him out of it and into a grown man who will be bringing his own baby home now. When he was still just a punch monkey in his mother’s tummy, David’s dad carefully cut and measured each piece of wood and built the bassinet.  It’s just larger than your average basinet, so we plan to get as much mileage as we can out of it.Thanks grandpa Glenn for letting us use it.

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The closet organizer. $16 at Walmart. Yes, it was on the clearance table, the box barely strapped together with packing tape. But after dusting off the grass remnants from the last owner, it was in perfect shape. I am soooooo thankful that it is already filled with a decent stockpile of diapers and clothes from my mom. Our child will have a safe place to poo, and when he performs that task a little too well, he will have several cute options to keep him clean and stylish 🙂

TMI? Well, you asked for it people.

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