Sawyer: Month 4

Posted by on January 17, 2014

They say time flies. Well, it does. As of December 13, my little man is four whole months old!

2013-12-11 12.35.58

He spent that four-month birthday in Reno while daddy interviewed at UNR’s Family Medicine Program. On the drive there, he got to try his very first big-boy food – a lick of a pickle spear at Erik Schatts in Bishop. Although mommy and daddy thought they were being funny with the vinegary delicacy, the joke was on them when Sawyer loved it! He spent the rest of our meal trying to get at that pickle spear.

In addition to the new foods, this month he also learned a few new tricks.

First, he’s kinda excited about these toes. Not quite sure what they are good for yet, but these toys are permanently attached! Cool.

2014-01-16 14.32.34

We have a rolly poley bug! Although this was technically when he was already four months old, Sawyer has learned to roll over. Just a few days before Christmas, he got a little mad, arched his back and BAM it was tummy time. The discovery was so exciting that he’s been rolling all over the place ever since.

Also, don’t leave this little boy in just his diaper for too long! He has figured out that if he fiddles enough, he can undo the velcro and be free…

We love you so much Sawyer Timothy and are excited to see you grow!

At Four Months

16 Lbs 1 Oz (50th Percentile)

28.5 Inches (95th Percentile)

16 Inch Dome (25th Percentile)

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