The things I know

Posted by on March 1, 2014

It’s just after sunrise on a Wednesday morning. By this time next week, all our things will be in boxes and ready for the moving truck. I’ll drink in that sunrise over our backyard palm trees one more time and say my goodbyes.

You would think moving gets easier after living five different places in less than four years. It doesn’t. In fact, leaving Redlands ranks with the hardest goodbyes I’ve had to say. I have loved this place, its small-town charm and what my family has become while living here. As we move forward, there are a lot of things I don’t know. But during this time of change, it’s important to write down and remember the things that I know beyond any doubt.

1. My Heavenly Father loves me and He is in the details of my life.

2. My little family is forever. Rain, shine, rich or poor, our home is our refuge and my one sure thing.


3. God needs me to make a difference in this world. I might not like it and it dang sure will make me uncomfortable. But someone, somewhere needs me to think outside myself, show compassion, listen, be a friend or share a smile. I wasn’t placed on this earth to live in ease. I am here to learn and grow.

So here we go. I’m about to take a deep breath and jump …

into a moving truck.

2014-02-21 07.35.22

I’ll miss you Redlands. So very much. 2014-02-21 07.37.08



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