Sawyer: Month 8

Posted by on April 21, 2014

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With all of the turbulence in our lives lately, I have missed blogging on so much. More on that to come later … once things settle down.

In the meantime, here is what our little boy is up to at 8 months old:

Those oh-so-fine motor skills:

He never sits still. Ever. This little boy now packs a punch of personality and endless energy. He spends his days pulling himself up onto furniture, crawling on all fours at turbo speed around the house and bouncing up and down when he gets really excited. He prefers kneeling in what the yogis call Supta-Vajrasana or Fixed Firm Pose rather than sitting on his tush, which is something that I used to do as a kid all the time.

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He is thinking about standing without assistance, but hesitates when it comes time to commit. And our little boy is a climber. So far he has conquered the fireplace ledge and the open dishwasher. There is no fear in this child! He is also starting to use the pincher fingers to grab food from his high chair tray.

 On the food front:

Sawyer is eating all kinds of solid foods. We try to feed him whatever we are eating at dinner (within reason). He hates butternut squash, but loves to chew on bell pepper strips, zuchinis and cheerios. Other favorites are bananas, mangos and avocado each mixed with brown rice cereal. Although his absolute favorite foods of all time are pickled beats (yes, you heard that right) and those little baked goldfish. I refer to the fish as “baby crack.” He seriously lights up when he gets one or two on his tray!

And we officially have three teeth! Two on the top and one on the bottom.

Our kid has the sweetest personality of anyone in our family. For realsies.

He babbles all the time, but no real words yet. Sometimes I can pull off a little “conversation” with him and it cracks me up.

He throughly dislikes wearing clothes. Diapering and dressing him is a battle royale. Throughout the day he will tug on his pants as if to say, “Do I really have to wear these?” So when it is bath time, he is in little baby heaven.

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He is a tremendous flirt and seems to have a smile for everyone he meets. There are no strangers to Sawyer, just friends. He especially loves the swing these days and being outside on the grass. It is not hard to get this kid to smile.

We are learning what the word “No” means and we do not like it. He has thrown his first temper tantrum. When he wants something, he is one determined little boy!

And that brings us to sleep …

Since our move from Redlands, he has decided that sleeping is overrated. We have fought through two months of sleepless nights. Last night he hit a record, demanding attention every 45 minutes to an hour ALL NIGHT LONG. Part of that might be that the feeding trough that is mom is unfortunately drying up.

And yet here we are at 6 a.m. and he is happy as a clam and friendly and smiling. Mom, not so much.

We love you Sawyer and can’t wait to see what next month brings!

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