9, 10, 11 months? Eh, forget it!

Posted by on July 13, 2014

Sawyer is 11 months old today. Just 30 days shy of that first big boy birthday.
The past three months have obviously been a little hectic.
Ok, they’ve been insanity on crack.

I’ll try to update on the milestones the best I can, but they may only be highlights.

9 months:

Traveled to Reno for Emily and Skylers wedding where sawyer met his betrothed (Gemma).

We attempted to cut sawyers hair. Our little screaming Sampson would have none of it.
Auntie + buzzers + exhausted baby = the biggest screaming meltdown I have ever seen him have. We managed one sideburn before we had to call it quits. Oh well, lopsided hair is in these days, right?

10 Months:

He was in the Big Apple celebrating daddy’s medical school graduation. This might have been where he tried to take his first little shuffle of a step.

11 months:

Hangin’ with the Hayes up in Shelley today. At almost a year, our little man is taking a few steps here and there, but plops the second the phone comes out to document it all.
Some other milestones include:

  • A killer appetite. He can pack away three scrambled eggs, a piece of bread and a banana for breakfast without batting an eye.
  • Says “mama”, “dada” and we think possibly nana (banana) and juice.
  • Shakes his head no when he knows he is doing something wrong.
  • Is into everything!
  • Never stops moving and considers mommy a jungle gym on which to climb.
  • But still takes a solid two naps a day and sleeps (usually) through the night.
  • Is a whopping 21.5 lbs of pure baby muscle!

So as for those monthly pictures, we are canning that adventure.



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