Legos and Ligaments

Posted by on July 12, 2014

On a billboard over Times Square, I saw a man made of yellow Legos ripping open his chest.


Hmmm, Legos and anatomy. Sounds like something David would enjoy. So for (part) of his graduation gift we choked down the ticket price for the Times Square Discovery Museum and took a peek.

It was stunning. Nathan Sawaya, a former lawyer turned artist, uses Lego bricks as his medium.  Nothing but Lego bricks. We took pictures of just about everything, so I’ll let the art speak for itself.

 [oqeygallery id=34]

The Discovery Museum was also hosting an exhibit of BodyWorlds, ya know that artwork where they flay and plasticize people’s dead bodies and put them on display. Through tables full of livers and lungs, David gave us the grand tour of the human body and it’s inner workings. Though you aren’t technically allowed to take pictures in order to protect the privacy of those who donated their bodies, there are some we snapped that are worth sharing.

It’s hard to see the details, but all those little vials behind Sawyer are embryos in various stages of development – some at five weeks others at 10 weeks. It was humbling to think that Sawyer was in one of those tiny stages less than two years ago. Now he is my world. It really reaffirmed my belief in the sanctity of life.

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