The Gift That Just Keeps on Giving

Posted by on September 18, 2011

As some of you may know, I recently attained a quarter century of existence on this earth with my sanity and all limbs intact. And while some might debate the “sanity” portion of that statement, I thought the occasion was one to celebrate. Dave did too. However, he also thought that not failing out of med school was a pretty worthy endeavor … so on my birthday I got a card, a kiss and a “see ya later” from Mr. Wonderful.

However, he wasn’t about to let 25 years slide by so easily.

So one week later, after the tests were done, he took me out to dinner.

The restaurant was the chic date night spot right on the beach suggested by all our Grenada friends. And it did not fail to impress.

Our route there, however, is something to giggle about.

We were hoping to make it to our table in time to watch the sun set over the waves.

That’s the sun setting. We aren’t anywhere near the waves.

Our buses were a little late – hey it’s Grenada, apparently they can leave whenever they want! In addition, this late laid-back bus driver decided he wanted to turn around about 1/4 mile before the end of his route. As we started turning back toward the school, we shouted a quick, “Um, excuse me!”

He stopped the bus. We walked into our sunset.

When we arrived, the place was empty except for one couple who smelled of citronella. I guess we might not have smelled as sweet, because they soon left and we had the restaurant all to ourselves. The palm trees were beautiful, the food was excellent and the company wasn’t bad either.

Soon, we were joined by a few other restaurant guests … of the mosquito variety. I suddenly realized why the people next to us had smelled so sweetly of citronella. I asked the nice waitress if she by chance had any bug spray – not normal fare for a nice restaurant. Right? They had plenty and plopped a nice bottle on the table next to the ice water.

After I finished my Jamaican Jerk Chicken and Dave finished his Bacon Wrapped Pork Medallions, the waiter brought us two scoops of SourSop ice cream – an island speciality.

Just as we were finishing, a few friends also out for a date night spotted us and offered a ride home. It was a life saver!

On the way out, the waiter slipped me a wrapped to-go bag with a little chocolate cake in it.

Happy birthday to me! I am so lucky in so many ways.

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