A Utah Christmas Time

Posted by on December 17, 2011

Here’s a rundown of our time at David’s parents house.

  • Hanging in the new “Glenn Castle” in Heber
  • Seeing “The Forgotten Carols” with the Glenn Fam.
  • Fixed all our computers and David looked at every gadget in his parent’s house.
  • A tour of the BYU campus and lunch with David’s former professors and friends.
  • Watching David’s adorable little 4th-grade cousin perform her first solo with the One World Children’s Choir.
  • Walked through Temple Square with David’s cousin Seth (a star swimmer for Utah State ). We talked and laughed under the beautiful Christmas lights.
  • Watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert from the very back row of the Conference Center – after waiting in the Tabernacle for standby tickets.

And …

Baked TONS of Christmas Cookies with momma Glenn – a Christmas tradition in her family since she baked them with her grandmother.

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We are looking forward to David’s brothers getting into town on Monday along with our soon-to-be new sister in law! More fun to come!

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