Your Love is Better Than Ice Cream

Posted by on February 14, 2012

Valentines Day in medical school often finds students preoccupied with matters of the heart. You know, arrhthmias, EKGs, myocardial infarctions, etc. There is very little time nor energy for the unscientific parts of the heart.

Or is there …

I must preface this post by saying that our Valentines Day was one for the record books, at least in my humble opinion. While David spent the morning literally diagnosing irregular heartbeats, I was hocking cookies, cakes and other goodies at the SO bake sale. As a group, we set out to raise money for the Dorothy Hopkins Home for the Disabled. Our little table overflowed with pink frosted cupcakes, brownies, cookies, muffins and every other sweet concoction known to man.


(Babies not for sale)

We spent all morning and a good way into the afternoon selling our little goodies alongside mushy Valentines Day cards and a next door florist with her  beautiful bouquets of tropical flowers. All morning while we worked, we all ohhh-ed and ahhh-ed over the stunning flowers and watched as men in stiff, academic suits came and bought them up.

Finally our bake sale goods were sold and our cash box overflowed with more money than we ever thought possible to raise at a bake sale. Our hearts felt good knowing we did something great for the disabled in Grenada.

Then it was time to go home so I could give David his Valentines Day gift – a goofy card and tub of his favorite Ben and Jerry’s accompanied by a kiss.  What did I find when I got home?

A few vases overflowing with that stunning, coveted tropical bouquet! I had been standing right next to the woman selling them all morning … how could he have bought them without me knowing? My sweet husband recruited a friend from class to sneakily buy the flowers for him and meet David at the bus stop. The gesture melted my heart.

I am so lucky to be married to such an amazing man for time and all eternity. Happy Valentines Day!


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