What I should have said …

Posted by on May 5, 2012

“Hey everybody, we have an announcement.”

It was the Significant Others End of Term Social and 100-plus people were eating, chatting and having a great time when my sweet friend Emily, who served on the SO Board as Fundraising Coordinator, got up and thanked me in front of everyone for being president this past term.

What came after the Board’s beautiful gesture was an ugly contorted face trying desperately not to cry, applause, a croaked “thank you” and a hug. I was shocked, stunned and so thankful.

It was one of those moments when you should have said something other than just “Thank you.” But the words were choked back along with the waterworks and, as often happens, came to my flustered mind moments too late.

This is what I wish I would have said:

The 10 people I was lucky enough to serve with on the SO Board have done more for Grenada than most will ever know. They eased the sting of homesickness. They have wrapped their arms selflessly around the country’s most neglected children. They eased the burdens on parents who are now often alone. They have been examples of kindness and touched dozens of lives. I should be thanking them.

But it doesn’t matter if you are on the Board or not. If I could say one thing to the 100 people sitting at this social, it is this.

Pay it forward.

Someone helped you be OK with this pandora’s box of often awful that is relocating to a middle-of-nowhere foreign country. I dare you, I challenge you, to follow the example of this amazing Board and help someone else. Because that is what makes St. George’s University outstanding.




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