The Birthday Blog: 2012

Posted by on September 13, 2012

I’ll start off this little post my mentioning something that Dr. D. said when we first started this crazy ride called med school/marriage.

“Oh, it didn’t occur to me that your birthday and our anniversary fall right at the beginning and end of academic semesters.”

When you plop down in a new place every fall, the expectation is that a birthday a few weeks later will be anti-climactic. The timing really didn’t occur to either of us. And frankly the hubs has been doing his darndest to make it up to me. This year was no exception.

After an all-nighter at the hospital and a 3-hour power nap, David locked me in the office and told me to get to work. For anyone who knows me, that’s no problem at all. Then I hear the whir of the blender. Oh heck.

At 5, he hustles me out the door for a beautiful dinner at Olive Garden. When we returned home and he guided me through the front door, my heart overflowed with gratitude. Inside our apartment were all our amazing SGU friends who settled in California – a complete surprise.

I have spent the past three Septembers with some of these people. Their friendship and love has meant so much over the years. The sight of familiar friends in our home was the best birthday present I could have asked for. As balloons, husband-made cake and ice cream and kiddie giggles filled our home, I could not have been more thankful for all we’ve been blessed with through the past years.

The phone call from a sweet friend (OK, sister really) in Reno, the awesome “love ferns” from the in-laws, the letter from my missionary sister and the out pouring of love from my family made my first birthday in a brand new place incredible.

I also have to say thanks for the the Facebook posts. Yeah, I know. It’s a social media rule of etiquette. That little box up in the corner nags at you until you post the obligatory happy birthday. However, each post reminded me of friends and colleagues who have been incredible influences in my life. Seeing your well wishes reminded me how blessed I am with so many wonderful associations.

Thank you for so many great years and I look forward to many more with amazing people by my side.

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