The Sister is Home!

Posted by on March 29, 2013

After 18 long months of serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my beautiful sister returned home on February 20th.

I feel so lucky that we were placed so close to home. Between family events and holidays, I am really soaking up these great times with the people I love.

For those who don’t know much about LDS missions and how they work, you can read my post here. Essentially, she dedicated every day of 18 months to serving others and sharing her faith with random people. When was the last time you talked to a stranger on the street about your religious beliefs? I’m not sure I am brave enough to do it!

We are so proud of the kind things she did for others all those months. But we are sure happy to have her home!

2013-02-20 15.05.08

2013-02-20 14.58.51 2013-02-21 18.35.22

Celebratory sushi!

2013-02-21 14.56.42 2013-02-21 14.56.29

We, of course, stayed up till odd hours of the night while Stacey and Kristen did each others hair. But we’ll censor those pictures for now 🙂

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