Gender Drumroll

Posted by on April 3, 2013

And the winner of this pregnancy’s gender challenge is …

Yes, ladies and gents, that Glenn Y chromosome is a down and dirty fighter. Only three girls have managed to survive the onslaught on the Glenn grandchild side. On my side, however, we’ve pretty much got a 50/50 split right down the middle.

You will have to excuse my goofy strangeness in the video – I was slightly hopped up on insane amounts of orange juice and hormones at the time. The orange juice was at the suggestion of my friend Julie, who had just recently discovered her own baby’s gender under the ultrasound. A whole gallon of MinuteMaid later, I had gone a little overboard. She only drank a small carton about half an hour before. Oops.

But oh, did our baby ever spread his legs! Let me tell ya, the OJ works.

It was clear as day what we were having and we were both so happy to finally know.

Before the ultrasound, we both had a feeling that it was going to be a girl so we were somewhat surprised by the results. This means we don’t have the slightest inkling what we are going to call the little squirt yet. However, I already have visions in my mind of yellow and green monkey-themed baby rooms and all the fun I’m going to have with our little man.

Yeah for baby boys!

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