The Whole Fam Damily … almost

Posted by on April 5, 2013

I finally got a chance to show some of my family the beautiful place we live and how happy I am here!

My mom, sister and youngest brother were able to make the trip down to visit for a whole week and a half. We were able to walk through the southern California sunshine for lunch at a nearby park, pick a few amazing oranges straight from the tree, wander through downtown Redlands and spend some quality time together.

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With a week, we just about tapped out all the exciting things Redlands had to offer. The San Bernardino County Museum was a lot cooler than I expected and we had a blast exploring the creepy critters and history of the area.

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We were also able to visit my aunt and uncle in LA. These guys are so awesome and I seriously need to get off my butt and spend more time with them.

Thanks to an Amazon Local deal, we also discovered this cool little airplane museum in Chino. Later, I learned that its functioning antique planes are what Hollywood uses for movies. Look closely at James Bond movies, Disneys’ The Kid and Pearl Harbor and you will see a few of these beauties.

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The icing on the cake for me was a trip to the beautiful Lake Arrowhead. Oh how I love the smell of the pines!

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Finally, I was able to drive to Ventura with my sister to see her mission and visit some great (and hilarious) friends she made during her time serving there.

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At the Ventura Beach Pier, it was also the first time my little toes touched saltwater since Grenada. Sigh, it was not as warm.

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Glad you guys were able to visit! Next I gotta catch up with Brendan and Dad. 🙂




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