Baby Bump Update: 29 and Feelin’ Fine

Posted by on June 3, 2013

The third trimester is officially in full swing and enough has changed that a little update is in order.

How are ya feeling these days?

Like a whale! Previously nausea kept me from running, jumping and playing like I used to. Now, my expanding belly’s simple mechanics are getting in the way. But, oh I will take anything other than that crazy nausea! Other than that, I’m just super tired all the time.

Any stretch marks with that big belly?

Nope! Knock on wood.

Craving anything in particular?

Frozen grapes ROCK MY WORLD!

How did that gestational diabetes test turn out?

Beautifully! No problems on that front. But the little man still doesn’t seem to like milk (ironic if you know his dad), ice cream or too many sweets – he hucks them right back up.

Alright, but you must at least have cankles and swollen hands, right?

Nope. 🙂 Rings are still on and shoes are still fitting OK. However, my shifting center of balance is making the stilettos an adventure.

So what ARE your symptoms?

That big belly has finally reduced my bladder to the size of a pea (I belong in a pun-itentiary). For a few weeks, I also had the pleasure of imitating an old man when I got up off the couch by groaning, “Oh my sciatica!” But an active lifestyle has nipped that in the bud. I am a hottie, in the most literal sense. Hormones have boosted my internal temps to near nuclear.  The heartburn is killer and bananas seem to set it aflame. I am super tired these days and I seriously cannot wait to meet this little one. It’s either hormones or motherhood kicking in, but that little punch monkey in my tummy has become the center of my world.

Dish on all the crazy moments:

My bulbous belly now attracts the random crazy in the grocery store who wants to touch it. The “belly feelers” who are missing at least one tooth and have at least one nose ring happen to be endowed with this great gift of knowing my baby’s gender (it’s a girl in their opinion). The kicks have become so strong that I can wake up the huz with a nice belly snuggle. 🙂 And I officially waddle.

Our simple nursery is coming together as well. Pics coming soon!

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