One week down. Thousands to go.

Posted by on August 20, 2013


What has little Sawyer Glenn been up to since invading this corner of the world?

  • Mr. Muscles likes to show off by gripping everything and holding his head up for as long as he can.
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  • Opens his beautiful blue eyes more often and looks around.
  • Hates his back, loves his tummy time. Appeases mommy by sleeping on his side.
  • FINALLY sleeps in his crib. Although he’s not happy about it some nights.
  • He has taken to gripping momma’s shirt like an angry mobster when he is feeding. Give me my food woman!
  • This whole food thing is getting easier.
  • Poops like a champ. But prefers a freshly installed diaper to do it in. Come on kid. These things are expensive. Economize!
  • He’s up and active every two hours at night with a nice cluster feeding party in there somewhere, usually from 2-4 a.m.
  • We are feeling like we are nearing something like normal around here. HA! It’s only been a week. Normal is still fairly relative.

This past week we have also ventured more into the big wide world. In one week he has been to LabCorp, Five Guys, Uncle Dan and Aunt Diana’s house and (of course) for strolls around his neighborhood. Mom got over the whole feeding him in public thing real fast – mostly thanks to Grandma C’s A-mazing nursing shields.

We will see what the next week brings. Grow baby grow – but not too fast! Momma still hasn’t had her fill of holding your little self in her arms yet. Realistically, she probably never will.

Here we go with week 2! Yikes.


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