Looking Forward with Faith

Posted by on October 6, 2013

Looking back, this blog is far more than the story of our adventures. It’s also the chronicle of our Heavenly Father’s hand in our lives. Well, in the coming year we will be embarking on one of our biggest and scariest adventures yet. We have a lot of faith that no matter where we end up, it will be where we are needed most.

With a one-month old baby on my lap, I clicked off applications more than 60 different categorical residency programs from New York to California and almost everywhere in between. There’s no use fighting it – my husband has the demeanor, talents and tendencies of a surgeon. In fact, that’s what David is spending his days and nights at Arrowhead doing now – sometimes for 35-hour stretches.

So we applied for every surgery residency that SGU grads have been accepted to throughout the past three years plus a dozen more for good measure. On top of these, David also tossed his name into the running for several plastic surgery residencies. We know it is a statistical long shot for foreign medical grads, but he really enjoys every aspect of the specialty.

We’ve worked hard. We’ve done our best. Now we wait.

This is a scary time for every future doctor whether foreign or stateside. Eight years of school, hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours of hard work come down to one little job offer.

As we look into the future and anticipate our next adventure, the view is a little hazy. We don’t know where we will be one year from now, what our cost of living will be or how we will make ends meet. Weighing heaviest on my mind is how I will help financially support our family with the added cost of child care for our little bundle of awesome.

Then I think back. We’ve dealt with uncertainty before and come out OK. Why should this time be any different? While we wait for all this uncertainty to clear up, we have a few things that won’t ever change: an eternal family and faith in Heavenly Father’s plan for us.

March 15 is the big day when we will finally know about a residency placement.

Remind me to look back on this post five months from now and see the blessings. 🙂

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