Sawyer: Month 3

Posted by on November 13, 2013

2013-11-13 17.19.32

Here comes month 3!

It has been such a blur. Suddenly my little boy sleeps less, smiles more and has become even more charming.

The changes this month are almost imperceptible. Part of that might be my stubborn idea that he will always be my little baby. Another part of it might be that I don’t want him to change at all while his dad is away this month doing a plastic surgery rotation in NY. On his 3 month birthday momma started working again for the newspaper writing freelance stories. She also left him with a babysitter for the second time in her life while she got her teeth cleaned. Thanks Amber! We have also been up to our ears making sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed for residency applications and interviews. What a process! Phew. But you probably want to know about the kiddo …

So what has Sawyer been up to?

This month:

He is smiling more

He knows exactly who his momma is

He “talks”. OK, goos with intent

He loves his books

Can grasp objects and put them in his mouth (intentionally!)

Sleeps less during the day. Two or three hour long naps is ideal. Reality is more like a bunch of little 15-30 minute naps.

But he still sleeps through the night most nights!

Still loves his monkey

Almost giggles!

Don’t change any more before daddy gets home little one! Only a few more weeks…

At Two Months

14 Lbs 8 Oz (50th Percentile)

28.5 Inches (95th Percentile)

16 Inch Dome (25th Percentile)

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