Sawyer: Month 5

Posted by on January 17, 2014

Once again, we were on the road for Sawyer’s birthday this month. At five months old, this little man has been to four states and logged more than 3,000 miles in the car!

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So what has Sawyer been up to this month?

Well he wants to hold his own bottle now. He even directs it to his mouth.

Speaking of bottles, we’ve introduced solids just a few days after his five month birthday. Here’s that fun story 🙂

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He’s still sleeping through the night and loves having his own space. Has graduated to the pack n’ play, which has made traveling so much easier.

He snuggles!! Sawyer has never been a snuggler. This kid loves his space and independence. But one night, after an especially exhausting few days of traveling, my crying baby put his head down on my shoulder and just snuggled for a good two or three minutes! He wasn’t even sleepy. Then he was up again and wanted to get down and play. But oh how momma loves her baby snuggles!

He went to the San Diego Zoo and was a very well-behaved little boy.

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Played on the swings and the slide at the park for the first time in Arizona.

And … drumroll please …

He’s mobile

Sawyer hasn’t quite gotten the up-on-the-hands-and-knees action down yet, but that kid can scoot like nobody’s business. To say he is excited about his newfound mobility would be an understatement. We will lay out all his toys on the floor and you can see the little wheels in his mind turning.

“You mean all of this is mine and I get to pick which toy I want to go get?!?!?! AWESOME!”

We love you little man! Keep growing up strong and healthy!

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