A day in the life

Posted by on June 30, 2011

After only a week here, the “day-to-day routine” is still bit of a fluid concept. However, here is a little taste of Grenada as we know it … at least this week.

We wake up here:

Then go here, for obvious reason:

David walks down the driveway and hops on one of these and heads to school:

While I head back here and blog, clean and figure out what to do with my day:

Today I went exploring a little. But not before locking all our valuables in this:

Walking out of our complex, I am always met by this little old lady and her plywood fruit stand.

However, this is not my only option for grocery shopping. Just 15 minutes walk down the road is the IGA supermarket inside this little strip mall.

My next adventure will be into downtown St. Georges for the Saturday market. Stay tuned for the story!

In the meantime I will be decorating and making our tiny apartment a home.

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