My Obnoxious Hat

Posted by on July 16, 2011

Before coming to Grenada, David and I knew that I would be the girl on the beach wearing pants, SPF 5-gazillion and an obnoxiously huge hat.

Our quest for said hat in the United States was fairly fruitless. But wandering through the shops in Grenada this week I found this behemoth.


It is big, it is green (my favorite color) and did I mention it is big?

I try not to wear it too much around my friends just walking around campus because, well, it is pretty obnoxious. But for the beach, it might as well be my umbrella.

There is a trick to wearing it though. The green part needs to press against the back of your head. Otherwise this happens:

Despite, its bratty little spat of green dye on my wet forehead, I think Mr. Hat and I will become best friends while we are in Grenada.


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