Author Archives: Sarah

Ya can’t force Christmas

It’s amazing what a moment of peace can do. I’m sitting in front of our Christmas tree, the fire going, with a glass of egg nog. It’s 6 am and still dark outside. The moment of peace is stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of this Christmas season. This year, I have spent more … Continue reading »

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Proud sister

Wanted to give a quick blogging shoutout to my brother who is doing an internship at DTR Fitness in Reno. This little gym rat is learning the ropes and I could not be more proud. Way to go little bro!

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Interview Season

Ahh interview season! So much hope, fear and foreboding mixed together in a terrifying time of life. If you are like me, the refresh button on your email has never been clicked so consistently. I feel like God literally carried us through that stressful time and I hope He does the same for you. Different … Continue reading »

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Zoo Boise

Yeah. You read it right. No play on words here. The folks in the great state capital decided to call it “Zoo Boise” rather than the Boise Zoo. Sawyer and I decided to explore this crazy place hoping to abate the tired-infused temper tantrums that were happening at the apartment. We traded tirades for attempts … Continue reading »

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What the boy saw in Boise

This month David is doing a pediatrics rotation at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Boise (about three hours north of Pocatello). Since they are now ripping the moldy walls out of our spare bedroom *arg* I figured I would go with and see what our new state Capitol is all about. So far Sawyer has … Continue reading »

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Water water everywhere

While we were enjoying a blissful vacation in storm-free Utah, Mother Nature was dumping on Pocatello. We have discovered that the town has some pretty legendary flash floods. You can check out some YouTube videos here and here (yes, that is a 12-foot tall underpass filled with water and no you don’t have to watch the whole … Continue reading »

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Life in Residency

So how is life on the flip side? We’ve drained our blood, sweat, dollars and tears into med school and now we are … well, we are doing alright. I can only speak for David’s Family Medicine residency experience (which is still relatively new) at this specific program. But being an intern seems to be … Continue reading »

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Flaming Gorge Trip 2014

This past week we were able to spend some unforgettable time with David’s family. Although what started out as a family reunion trip turned into just the couples, it was an incredible time. The sun was shining, the water was smooth as silk and even the wildlife came out to join us on the lake. … Continue reading »

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Year One

August 13, 2014 At just a few minutes past seven this morning, David placed a sleepy-eyed little boy on my chest. You were only a few hours late. Exactly one year earlier at 5:38 AM you, Sawyer Timothy Glenn, were born. 365 days of growing has turned my little bundle into a 22-pound wiggle worm … Continue reading »

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No. Sleep. ‘Till BEDTIME!

Who has two thumbs and took Zero naps today? This guy.

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