
The Nuts are Ready to Bolt

I post so much on our adventures that sometimes I forget the “nuts and bolts” info that family and friends really want to know about. For example, when are we coming home?!? The short answer is May 13th. The long answer is 30 days  0 hours 38 minutes 42 seconds. But who’s counting 😉 Because we are flying into Salt Lake City, Utah … Continue reading »

Categories: Adapting | 2 Comments

A Hard Core Cardiac Arrest

Med students can be clever. So clever that they name their hip hop dance group Cardiac Arrest. Don’t worry, they will get your heart pumping in no time. Friday night the hard work of many of our friends paid off as the troupe nailed their routines in front of hundreds of cheering SGU Talent Show … Continue reading »

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Ewwwww. Gross.

This is what happens when you put bread in your cupboard instead of your fridge here. Nasty.

Categories: Adapting | 1 Comment

And the winner is …

The power company. Well, folks, here it is. A day late and a dollar short (I’m so punny.) The power bill for December in Grenada was $83.46 in Uncle Sam’s Good Old currency. In case you were wondering, that is equivalent to ¢63 Euros 0.05 ounces of Gold $1,080 Mexican Pesos $6399.75 Japanese Yen and 0.12 … Continue reading »

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Power Struggle

What you are about to hear is a cautionary, gut-wrenching tale. Hold on to your wallets – they are about to feel some sympathy pains. We got our power bill today. I was warned that those kinds of things would be a little pricey here but I put on my big girl pants and braced … Continue reading »

Categories: Adapting | 1 Comment

Shotgun Blogging

Here it is. I’m just going to toss the events of the past few weeks your way and hope something sticks. Call it the shotgun approach to blogging. WATCH OUT! BOOM! 1. The days of self-induced cephalgia and peri-orbital puffiness are back. David has started his last term of academic learning. It is the beginning of … Continue reading »

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It Led Me Here to This

I have finally recovered my camera cord! Let the blogging re-commence. In the meantime, please enjoy a short video that sums up my entire life. While there are many, many days that I still wish that I were back in the newsroom there are starting to be more days that I am just thankful for … Continue reading »

Categories: Adapting | 1 Comment


Many of you drifting along with me in the SGU wives boat might have seen this before. But for those who haven’t, I will direct you to The Graduate Wife where my piece on our crazy ride through medical school was posted today. Keep your chins up. Wedded bliss can be found somewhere in between … Continue reading »

Categories: Adapting | 1 Comment

We all Struggle as Med Student Wives

Lately, I have listened to the heartache of many here who are struggling with the adjustment to med student wifery. We stare down missed dinners, anniversaries, scant time with children and painful days of homesickness and we do it with a smile. Here is a piece I wrote for that could hopefully heal a … Continue reading »

Categories: Adapting, Friends, Grenada | 4 Comments