Baby Glenn

Year One

August 13, 2014 At just a few minutes past seven this morning, David placed a sleepy-eyed little boy on my chest. You were only a few hours late. Exactly one year earlier at 5:38 AM you, Sawyer Timothy Glenn, were born. 365 days of growing has turned my little bundle into a 22-pound wiggle worm … Continue reading »

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Someone is getting called up …

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9, 10, 11 months? Eh, forget it!

Sawyer is 11 months old today. Just 30 days shy of that first big boy birthday. The past three months have obviously been a little hectic. Ok, they’ve been insanity on crack. I’ll try to update on the milestones the best I can, but they may only be highlights. 9 months: Traveled to Reno for … Continue reading »

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Sawyer: Month 8

With all of the turbulence in our lives lately, I have missed blogging on so much. More on that to come later … once things settle down. In the meantime, here is what our little boy is up to at 8 months old: Those oh-so-fine motor skills: He never sits still. Ever. This little boy … Continue reading »

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Sawyer: Month 6

Our sweet baby has blossomed into a handsome little man who packs a charming punch of personality. Month 6 was kind of a whirlwind between moving and David’s last day at Arrowhead. But here are some sweet moments I don’t want to forget! He smiles every time he (or someone else) sneezes. In fact, he … Continue reading »

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Sawyer: Month 5

Once again, we were on the road for Sawyer’s birthday this month. At five months old, this little man has been to four states and logged more than 3,000 miles in the car!   So what has Sawyer been up to this month? Well he wants to hold his own bottle now. He even directs … Continue reading »

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Sawyer: Month 4

They say time flies. Well, it does. As of December 13, my little man is four whole months old! He spent that four-month birthday in Reno while daddy interviewed at UNR’s Family Medicine Program. On the drive there, he got to try his very first big-boy food – a lick of a pickle spear at … Continue reading »

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Deadline time!

If you think your editor is bad around deadline time, you should meet mine. He’s a real task master.

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Sawyer: Month 3

Here comes month 3! It has been such a blur. Suddenly my little boy sleeps less, smiles more and has become even more charming. The changes this month are almost imperceptible. Part of that might be my stubborn idea that he will always be my little baby. Another part of it might be that I … Continue reading »

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Snuggles the Bed Bug

After an epic struggle that took us into 3 a.m., this finally happened. He didn’t want food, he just wanted to snuggle.

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