Growing Up Glenn

An itty-bitty birthday

Having eight pounds of wiggle around the house is kinda fun. Grandma C came up with the adorable idea to have an itty-bitty birthday party for our sweet Sawyer. Sawyer’s First Itty-Bitty Birthday Party Menu: Sliders Mini Grapes Chicken Wings (because his little legs oddly resemble them 😉 Tater Tots Mini Apple Pies with Single … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn, Growing Up Glenn | 2 Comments

One week down. Thousands to go.

What has little Sawyer Glenn been up to since invading this corner of the world? Mr. Muscles likes to show off by gripping everything and holding his head up for as long as he can. Opens his beautiful blue eyes more often and looks around. Hates his back, loves his tummy time. Appeases mommy by … Continue reading »

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