Baby Glenn

We be rollin’

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Sawyer: Month 2

Two months old already? Oh how the time flies. In just a few weeks, my little newborn has morphed into a full-blown baby. He fits differently in my arms. His deep, blue eyes are almost always wide open and taking in all the world around him. His mouth opens into a huge smile when he … Continue reading »

Categories: Growing Up Glenn | 2 Comments

Only the cute stuff

As a biased mother, I seem to think all the things my baby does are absolutely adorable. However, I’ve condensed the best of the best down to a top 10. Here is the cuteness countdown … 10. Sawyer has moved into his own room and is clocking about 4-hours straight these days. 9. And he loves … Continue reading »

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One Month Old!

At one month old, our little Sawyer has already seen a lot of the world! On his one month birthday (September 13) he hopped in the car with mommy for a whirlwind adventure drive up to Reno where he saw Brett and Amanda get married and met all of mommy’s childhood friends. It was a … Continue reading »

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A Weekend Full of Blessings

Over Labor Day weekend our home was filled with family and friends who loved a little bundle of baby. They came both for Sawyer and to be a part of his baby blessing – the first official step in his progression as a good, Christ-centered man (similar to a christening). Our little man loved the … Continue reading »

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Little Moments

Over the weekend our home was filled with friends and family of all kinds. More pictures and a full post are coming soon. But in the meantime these are some of my favorite moments from our weekend. Meeting Great Grandpa Glenn And Great Grandma Glenn too Ava getting to finally hold the little bun out … Continue reading »

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An itty-bitty birthday

Having eight pounds of wiggle around the house is kinda fun. Grandma C came up with the adorable idea to have an itty-bitty birthday party for our sweet Sawyer. Sawyer’s First Itty-Bitty Birthday Party Menu: Sliders Mini Grapes Chicken Wings (because his little legs oddly resemble them 😉 Tater Tots Mini Apple Pies with Single … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn, Growing Up Glenn | 2 Comments

One week down. Thousands to go.

What has little Sawyer Glenn been up to since invading this corner of the world? Mr. Muscles likes to show off by gripping everything and holding his head up for as long as he can. Opens his beautiful blue eyes more often and looks around. Hates his back, loves his tummy time. Appeases mommy by … Continue reading »

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Sawyer Timothy Glenn: A Birth Story

As I was lying on the hospital bed, exhausted and numb, the last thing that ran through my head before Sawyer arrived was, “oh my goodness, am I really ready for all this?” Then, that set of chubby cheeks, a button nose and two blue eyes beneath a full head of beautiful blonde hair was … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 4 Comments

40 weeks come and gone

One week ago the bags were packed and placed in a cranny by the door. All the lose ends with work were tied into a nice little final package. The house was spotless and my nails were done. Snickerdoodles were waiting for visiting family and the self-designed birth announcement sat on my desktop just waiting … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 2 Comments