Baby Glenn

What is in a name?

As I loaded the groceries onto the conveyor belt at the local Food 4 Less, my aching body prayed this would be the last time I’d have to schlep groceries home for a few weeks. The kid who hopped in line behind me couldn’t have been more than 17 – clean cut with a gallon … Continue reading »

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Babymoon Lite

babymoon babe·ey·moon [babe-ee-moon] noun 1. a vacation or trip taken by an expecting couple because quality alone time is about to get super scarce. Since both my girth and our student loans are getting heavier these days, we opted for the lite version of this trendy new pastime. Friday night ended with a bang as we watched fireworks explode over Angels Stadium … Continue reading »

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Plans for AFTER I win the baby lottery

David asked me yesterday, what is the first thing I will do after delivering our baby. Oh buddy, I got this all planned out. 1. Snuggle his adorable little guts out. 2. Feed him. 3. Clean my self up. 4. Touch my toes! 5. Take a deep breath in and fill my lungs. 6. Smile. … Continue reading »

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Pregnancy cravings …

Pregnancy is creepy weird sometimes. Raw carrots used to make my throat swell up. Generally when the tongue tingles and the throat tightens, you think “hmm, allergies.” So I kind of avoided them. But baby wants what baby wants apparently, so when carrot bits were offered in my uncle’s awesome salad I bit that little … Continue reading »

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The happy 37 week post

I woke up this morning signing, “I am the champion my friend … dun dun dun … and I’ll keep on fighting ‘till the end!” 37 weeks. Full term. Do you know what this means!?!?!?! Little man could bust out any day now and he would be perfectly fine. I admittedly had a whole different … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 1 Comment

The grumpy 37 week post

Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached 37 weeks. If little guy wants to pop out now, ain’t nobody gonna stop him. Especially not me. It’s come to the point where I am calling B.S. on the whole thing. That happy pregnancy glow? Yeah, it’s gone. For the past two weeks I have waddled around my … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 2 Comments

How we started a nursery

With nothing else to do, I have succumb to the urge to nest. It’s OK if you laugh hysterically. I am finding it pretty funny myself that the universe decided to take the least domestic person it could find, give her a negative net worth, get her pregnant and give her urges to decorate. What … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 1 Comment

Baby Bump Update: 29 and Feelin’ Fine

The third trimester is officially in full swing and enough has changed that a little update is in order. How are ya feeling these days? Like a whale! Previously nausea kept me from running, jumping and playing like I used to. Now, my expanding belly’s simple mechanics are getting in the way. But, oh I … Continue reading »

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22 Week Pregnancy Update

It’s getting real around here folks! Now to answer all your burning questions: 1. Showing much yet? Judge for yourself 🙂 2.  How’s the nausea? Meh, not bad. I still have my moments but thankfully the “throne worship” has decreased to about once a day. 3. Is he moving? Um, is he ever NOT moving? … Continue reading »

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Gender Drumroll

And the winner of this pregnancy’s gender challenge is … Yes, ladies and gents, that Glenn Y chromosome is a down and dirty fighter. Only three girls have managed to survive the onslaught on the Glenn grandchild side. On my side, however, we’ve pretty much got a 50/50 split right down the middle. You will … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn | 3 Comments