Baby Glenn
Spilling the beans and spreading the news
Telling people you are pregnant is a really interesting exercise in tactical maneuvering. It’s nothing like engagement. Oh no my friends, some people get offended. Or at least in your hightened hormonal state you are paranoid that everyone will get offended. We opted for the slow boat approach. David found out when I came out … Continue reading
12 weeks of hell
Nobody warns you about what happens to you body with a baby. OK, maybe they do but there is no way I was prepared for it. For those who are weak in the stomach, or have any sense of propriety at all, you might want to skip over this post. How can I paint this … Continue reading
A Christmas Surprise
Santa sure had a few surprises in store this year. And by Santa, I mean Sarah and Dave. We had been hiding a little secret since just after Thanksgiving and thought that Christmas would be the perfect time to pop the news to family. There was a little gift on the way that would turn … Continue reading