
Flaming Gorge Trip 2014

This past week we were able to spend some unforgettable time with David’s family. Although what started out as a family reunion trip turned into just the couples, it was an incredible time. The sun was shining, the water was smooth as silk and even the wildlife came out to join us on the lake. … Continue reading »

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Meeting Kinley!

June was a month full of firsts for Sawyer. He got to go on his first plane ride. He did great considering what a wiggle worm he usually is. Security was better than I thought it would be, especially on the SLC side. He fell asleep on takeoff and spent much of the rest of … Continue reading »

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Thanksgiving 2013

We left for Utah after David finished at the hospital, getting on the road at 5 p.m. What lay ahead was a 10-hour drive with a full car and a fussy baby. The welcome home hugs we got at 4 in the morning (yes, the family stayed up to welcome us) were well worth the … Continue reading »

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An update on the hubs

Life over the past month has been a whirlwind. It seems like every day is a tornado of to-do lists piled onto one big heap of adorable baby tending. But the lost moments of peace are worth it to support dad in his quest towards Doctor-dom. He’s been working hard too! David has been in … Continue reading »

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Something old, something new

On May 17th, we were able to celebrate the wedding of my cousin (once removed) Nicole and her prince charming Eric and send them laughing and goofing together into married bliss. Her big day brought together family that hadn’t been together in years. My mom, her siblings and their children (only missing one) were finally … Continue reading »

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“Because She is a Mother”

Every step toward motherhood is daunting. Amid the seemingly constant (self-induced) blast of Pinterest ideas, developmental methods, career pressures and blog posts about posh nurseries-to-be, these words of wisdom were needed and refreshing. Holland’s touching words remind me that with a reliance on God our inadequacies “are made whole”.   “In speaking of mothers generally, … Continue reading »

Categories: Family | 1 Comment

The Plane that Grandpa Flew

There are some family stories that don’t get told enough. Grandpa Glenn’s experiences in the Army are some of those stories. Last week we were able to visit a vintage airplane museum in Chino where we hoped we would find a few planes that he recognized from his time flying for the post-World War II … Continue reading »

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A Little More Family

I am soaking up every second I have in this beautiful place so (relatively) close to family. After two years of goodbyes and keeping up via Skype calls, these times with family are little treasures I am storing up for a time in the future when residency or jobs might take us away again. Easter … Continue reading »

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The Whole Fam Damily … almost

I finally got a chance to show some of my family the beautiful place we live and how happy I am here! My mom, sister and youngest brother were able to make the trip down to visit for a whole week and a half. We were able to walk through the southern California sunshine for … Continue reading »

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Thoughts on Easter

I woke up Easter Sunday morning feeling like a fat, broken old pregnant lady. My rolley-polley tummy flopped out of bed and I limped to the bathroom on a lingering charlie horse that, with a little case of heartburn, had jolted me awake in the middle of the night. In hindsight, I was pretty funny … Continue reading »

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