
Long-Distance Birthdays

Birthdays in the Cooper house usually include silliness, your cake of choice and a chicken and cheese casserole that clogs the arteries and provides a gateway to Nirvana. In short, they are awesome. Last night I got to spend a blissful two hours on Skype celebrating this stud muffin’s 22nd. You sure know how to throw a … Continue reading »

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What is an LDS missionary?

As of today, my sister is a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For the next 18 months, she will spend her days knocking on doors and sharing what she believes. Mormon missionaries get a bad rap sometimes. Yes, we do knock on your door looking like the FBI and … Continue reading »

Categories: Family | 1 Comment

Here’s lookin’ at you home

Dear Reno,   Thank you for all the good times throughout the past month, but I am afraid we must leave you. Please my dear, there is no use arguing. It’s final. We pack the bags and board the plane Monday. You have given us so much in these oh so short weeks. We will … Continue reading »

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Tree Huggin’

Of all the wonders of nature, a tree in summer is perhaps the most remarkable; with the possible exception of a moose singing “Embraceable You” in spats. ~Woody Allen On Wednesday, the Glenn clan romped through the Redwoods in Henry Cowell state park.  Fresh air, sunshine and the smell of the trees made for a … Continue reading »

Categories: Family, Monterey Bay, Redwoods, Traveling | Comments Off on Tree Huggin’

A Day in Monterey with the Fishies

Once upon a time, the Glenns descended under the deep blue sea. [flgallery id=10 /] And we emerged with nothing more than a couple wet hands from the tide pool and some great memories. Later that day, we drove along the coast, saw the sea lions and took a peek at Pebble Beach golf course … Continue reading »

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David’s Beachside Blog Post

David here, we spent our first full day here in Pajaro Dunes.  We started out with a couple quick walks to the beach and then headed into town to get some breakfast and an old trucker diner.  After breakfast we went in search of a grocery store which was quite hard to find.  Finally we … Continue reading »

Categories: California, Family, Pajaro Dunes, Traveling | Comments Off on David’s Beachside Blog Post

Utah was the place

Once upon a time, there was a magical land called Utah, flowing with Jello, fry sauce and family fun. On Saturday, David and I made our way to the place that Brigham Young called “the right place.” Utah is the place that David called home for many years of his life. It is also where … Continue reading »

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