
The things I know

It’s just after sunrise on a Wednesday morning. By this time next week, all our things will be in boxes and ready for the moving truck. I’ll drink in that sunrise over our backyard palm trees one more time and say my goodbyes. You would think moving gets easier after living five different places in … Continue reading »

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Welcome home hubs!

Well ladies and gents, the bad news is that my days of eating stale popcorn by the sink for dinner have come to an end. But in better news … The Hubs is Home! No welcome home is complete without an obnoxious sign. 🙂 We love you David and are so proud of your hard … Continue reading »

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

Recently we became the owners of a little enclosed concrete slab outside our back door. The landlords like to call it a patio. The first few weeks, we called it something else much less complimentary. But now, it is our garden! To flex our green thumb we planted strawberries, tomatoes, peas and my favorite little … Continue reading »

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The Quietest Mothers Day Of Them All

I didn’t hear the pitter patter of little feet this mothers day – although I sure felt them bouncing on my bladder! It was a sweet experience to take a day and reflect on what it means to be a mother, while the screaming baby beast is still contained in-utero. David has been my greatest … Continue reading »

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Three years later …

May 7th marked three years together. In that time we have lived in three different countries, four different apartments (plus many stints with family in between) and grown closer as a couple. Being married to a medical student can be a roller coaster. But I am glad that I get to take that ride with … Continue reading »

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The Sister is Home!

After 18 long months of serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my beautiful sister returned home on February 20th. I feel so lucky that we were placed so close to home. Between family events and holidays, I am really soaking up these great times with the people I … Continue reading »

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A Christmas Surprise

Santa sure had a few surprises in store this year. And by Santa, I mean Sarah and Dave. We had been hiding a little secret since just after Thanksgiving and thought that Christmas would be the perfect time to pop the news to family. There was a little gift on the way that would turn … Continue reading »

Categories: Baby Glenn, Family, Heber, Holidays, Home | 1 Comment

A perfect morning

It’s 6 a.m. I’m sitting at my desk with a cup of hot apple cider while a chilly rain sprinkles outside, reading my dear friend Sayeh’s beautiful stories about growing up in revolutionary Iran. Life is pretty darn good.

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Home: It’s where the magic happens

Thanksgiving is over. The turkey has been massacred. The stuffing devoured. The Christmas decorations hung. And the tryptophan hangovers are slowly subsiding. Now we get to look back on the memories, and oh how thankful I am for them. We were able to drive the 8 hours up to Reno to spend Thanksgiving with my family. … Continue reading »

Categories: Family, Holidays, Home | 1 Comment

I now pronounce you Dr and wife

Somehow in the past three days my husband has morphed into a doctor. In his white coat with stethoscope slung around his neck, he marches out the door every morning to walk among the sick and ultra-educated. The learning curve is steep, but he is climbing that ladder with his characteristic poise and flair for the undramatic. … Continue reading »

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