
New Home

Toto, we aren’t in Grenada anymore. This twister called medical school has picked us up and dropped us in Redlands, CA. And after the dust has settled, I am so happy we can call this beautiful place home for the next two years. As I write, kids are giggling and splashing at the pool just … Continue reading »

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Taking his First “Step”

On July 17th, it was go time. Two years of medical school plus 69 days of relentless studying must now leak out onto an 8-hour test that would determine David’s professional possibilities FOREVER. No pressure, right? I am embarrassed to say that the last thing I said before he disappeared into the testing center was, “Did you … Continue reading »

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

Years ago, my dad built four cinder block planters for his soon to be expansive garden. Years of eggshell tossing and roto-tilling later, his precious soil had nourished hundreds of tomatoes, peppers, onions, carrots and corn. This year, dad gave a whole planter to my brother for his “Halloween Pumpkin” and little peppers. Leaping from … Continue reading »

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Home is Good for the Soul

The road to home is loaded with a million memories. That long strip of 35-mile-per-hour asphalt has rolled beneath my tires through more late night dates, trips to work, the beginning of adventures with friends and the end of weary days of both work and school. I could never tell all the stories that road … Continue reading »

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Watch out America – the Glenns are Back!

“An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” Watch out America. We’re back! After two years of constant change and moving, the convenience that comes with home almost feels weird. I mean, isn’t life suposed to go all crazy on us soon? So far, America has been … Continue reading »

Categories: Family, Home | 1 Comment

Looking Back: Memories in the Snow

Ahhh winter. That time of year when you can dig out the sweaters and sit by the roaring fire. Cold seems like such an awkward concept here. Digging through the inbox I found a few pictures of our winter skiing adventure at Park City. It was only the second time I had strapped the “death … Continue reading »

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Baby You Can Drive my Car

While we were home in Reno, we took a little detour and ran straight into a traffic jam. These cars were not going anywhere any time soon. But, boy, they were fun to look at. The National Automobile Museum takes you on an automotive tour through time, housing hundreds of cars from the first horseless … Continue reading »

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The Best

2011 has been filled with ups and downs and twists and turns. But there are a few moments that stand out in my mind. I hope they help you conjure up the good times in your year and make you look forward to many more memories to come. The Best: 2011 Boarding a double-decker bus … Continue reading »

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These are a Few of my Favorite Things …

We have so much to be thankful for in the Glenn house this year. Here are a few of my favorite blessings: [oqeygallery id=17] 1. My Savior Jesus Christ: We were able to see the theatrical production of “The Savior of the World” on Temple Square with David’s family while we were in Utah. The two-and-a-half … Continue reading »

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2 Days, 9 Hours, 40 Minutes

  While walking on the beach one day last week, and feeling particularly home sick, I found this little piece of sea glass. It is shaped like the state that I grew up in, the state that I love and the place I will always call home. I tried to position the little sun spot … Continue reading »

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