
Long-Distance Birthdays

Birthdays in the Cooper house usually include silliness, your cake of choice and a chicken and cheese casserole that clogs the arteries and provides a gateway to Nirvana. In short, they are awesome. Last night I got to spend a blissful two hours on Skype celebrating this stud muffin’s 22nd. You sure know how to throw a … Continue reading »

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Homestyle Horses

I got an awesome laugh out of this picture my mom sent me. Mr. Mustang wanted to come inside! Oh how I miss these horses and home. A blogging buddy of mine whose husband is in the same academic boat described my husband’s current life of insanity here. I really could not have said it … Continue reading »

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Home Means La Da Da …

If you started singing my state song before even reading this post, then you are officially a Nevadan. This week as people toss tomatoes at each other, crave tasty ribs and hike through the sage and the pine I can’t help but feel a little home sick. So for those of my new-found friends who … Continue reading »

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So … That’s Strange

What little quirk do you have at your house that makes it unique? Fact: We move around a lot. If Med School by its nature is a transitory affair, then SGU is med school on steroids. While some might move every 4 years or so to chase education, residency, fellowships and jobs, we will move … Continue reading »

Categories: Home | 4 Comments

Uh oh. Sarah got bored.

Adventures in DIY I have had my eye on one of these sticky wall dealies for a while. For someone who crafted their career with words, there is nothing much more appealing than slapping inspiring words on the walls around you. So I gathered a few supplies: Sticky shelving paper – AKA Contact Paper. Scissors … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Crafts, Home | 2 Comments

Made in the USA

I am a product of the USA. I was cast in a mold fashioned by men and women who first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs, but to secure liberty for their souls. My predecessors knew the burden of servitude and the steep price of freedom.  They have heard the sharp … Continue reading »

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The story of Washin’ Wendy

Today, I had a maid come and clean my apartment. Is was weird. After a morning of perusing the after-school sales put on by departing students, I returned home to find a plastic bag sitting on my front porch. Wondering what it was, I carefully peeled back the edges to find a repulsive heap of … Continue reading »

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A day in the life

After only a week here, the “day-to-day routine” is still bit of a fluid concept. However, here is a little taste of Grenada as we know it … at least this week. We wake up here: Then go here, for obvious reason: David walks down the driveway and hops on one of these and heads … Continue reading »

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A strange new world

Toto, we are certainly not in Kansas anymore. Here are some of the daily sights that make Grenada so beautiful and unique: From our balcony, you can see what we were told was an almond tree. These are the little beauties that fall from it. Allegedly, the little almonds are somewhere inside (after a lot … Continue reading »

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A tour of our Grenada home

  We will post later with the news from our thankfully uneventful journey here. Miss you all already!

Categories: Grenada, Home, Intro | 2 Comments