If you love your freedom …

Today, this onesie caught the tiny spit bubbles and milk drool from the mouth of our friend’s months-old baby. One year from now, when a man in camo comes home from the Middle East, she won’t recognize her dad. On D-Day especially, this little girl made me stop, think and pray for all those serving … Continue reading »

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They Made us an Offer we Couldn’t Refuse

It was almost midnight in a crowded, noisy, uncomfortable New York airport. As we sat bleary-eyed from a day of travelling, Michael from Delta came on the loudspeaker and made us an offer we couldn’t refuse. Now I must admit this was not the first time we had been asked to give up our seats … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventure, Traveling, USA | 2 Comments

I Remember

I remember sitting on the small step leading down into our family room and trying to understand. An old rabbit-eared TV radiated Tom Brokaw’s voice into our family room while mom sat at the nearby computer desk, slightly ashen. “An airplane has crashed into the second tower.” I held my lanky 15-year old legs into … Continue reading »

Categories: USA | 1 Comment

A Fourth Full of Fun

You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness.  You … Continue reading »

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Made in the USA

I am a product of the USA. I was cast in a mold fashioned by men and women who first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs, but to secure liberty for their souls. My predecessors knew the burden of servitude and the steep price of freedom.  They have heard the sharp … Continue reading »

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