Thankful Wall

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, 
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” 
~ Gilbert Keith Chesterton

In a little corner of my little apartment there once was a wall plastered with fluorescent sticky notes. Scrawled on each was something I was thankful for. Each day I would try to stick something up there, even if my item of gratitude was that I lived through the day. Our thoughts determine our attitude and our attitude determines our success. So think thankfully and share in the comments section below!

January, 2012

  • My husband’s smile
  • Freedom
  • The way Home feels
  • Siblings who I actually like
  • Friendships that endure across continents
  • My Savior
  • The smell of fresh lilacs
  • Kid giggles
  • Eternal families and temple work
  • Sunshine!
  • My health
  • A Crockpot
  • A Significant Others Board that keeps me accountable (and sane)
  • Time with family and friends (however short it may be)
  • A car
  • A healthy baby
  • A heater
  • Air Conditioning
  • Thanksgiving with family!
  • An amazing sister in law who is one of my best friends
  • My forever marriage
  • That we have lived close to David’s aunt and uncle for two years

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